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Friday, February 23, 2007

Director of Human Genome Project Believes in God

There's an interesting article from The Exponent Online about Francis Collins, director of the National Genome Research Institute.

It seems this man of science believes in God.

'It is a satisfying place to be,' he said. 'I can find God in a cathedral and in the laboratory.'

Collins said the conflict between faith and science is one that has escalated in recent years.

'This recent battle is unfortunate and destructive,' he said. 'We cooked it up; it's too bad we've come to this conclusion.'

He cited a recent survey which showed that 40 percent of scientists believe in a personal god, but said some are uneasy about getting involved in the argument.

'How could (science) threaten God if he designed the principles and set them into motion?' Collins said.

Well said.

The article goes on to say that Collins believes in theistic evolution, which is the belief that God created an organism or organisms in one state and allowed them to evolve to the point at which we observe them today.

I disagree with this theory, though I once ascribed to it. The scientific evidence still doesn't support evolution, and it's completely at odds with everything the Bible teaches, not only about our origins, but about the current spiritual state of humans.

But it IS good to hear a respected scientist at least acknowledge the existence of God, and point out that there does not have to be a war between science and faith.

After all, if God created science, then true science (not naturalism) is no "threat" to Him.


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