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Friday, February 23, 2007

Taxpayer Funded Breast Reduction to Lose Weight

More on abuse of the system under socialized medicine. This from Tamera Weis of Sioux Falls (thanks Tamera):

I am a Registered Nurse (in several states) and have been privileged to work in several Trauma/ED.

Unequivocally, it is my observation, that those who are covered by Medicaid are the MOST likely to show up at the ED with a complaint that could have been easily managed at a clinic earlier in the day or at an Urgent Care.

They are also the most likely to:

DEMAND the medication that they WANT.
Complain about having to wait when other more urgent cases are triaged and seen ahead of them.
Be angry when part of their treatment plan involves being asked not to smoke.
Be uncooperative with modified diet or exercise plans.

Recently, during a health assessment I saw a woman who stated that she had recently had lost ten pounds. When I asked the follow-up questions I discovered that she had recently had a breast reduction surgery.

This is what she told me:

My daughter was having back problems because she is over weight and has large breasts. The doctor explained that a breast reduction (for which he was paid handsomely) would be quicker and easier than trying to diet and would help her with her back pain. She didn’t want to do it by herself so I told the doctor that MY back hurt too. So he did both of us!

“Wow, wasn’t that expensive?” I asked

“Oh no,” she told me. “Medicaid paid for everything!”

Your tax dollars at work!


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