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Thursday, February 22, 2007

More Gov't Hostility to Christianity

Here's yet another example of our government's hostility toward the religion upon which our society was founded. From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

The complaint, filed in federal court Tuesday, says officials at Willow Hill Elementary School in Glenside told the boy Oct. 31 that he could not wear his faux crown of thorns or tell others he was dressed as Jesus.

The principal, Patricia Whitmire, told the boy's mother that the costume violated a policy prohibiting the promotion of religion, according to the lawsuit. Whitmire suggested that the fourth-grader, whose costume also included a robe, identify himself as a Roman emperor, the suit states.

While the boy's costume was rejected because of its religious nature, the principal allowed other students to dress up as witches and devils, according to the lawsuit.

A ten year old boy's Jesus costume cannot by any sane stretch of the imagination constitute a state endorsement of Christianity.

If these idiots who are supposed to be teaching our children would read the First Amendment, they'd see that this boy has religious freedom, and the only prohibition in the Constitution regarding religion is that which prevents Congress from passing any laws which respect an establishment of religion.


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