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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Britney Spears Implosion

Parenting isn't important? Oh, I'm sure most people would say it is. But do we really make our children a priority? Do we put their welfare before our own? Do we take the time to teach them--not just the academics, but what it means to be a genuine person? Do we instill in them a sense of self-worth, and a respect for others? Do we take the time to help them find their place in the world? Do we teach them transcendent values?

Or do we take a "nonjudgmental" approach? Do we let the government do our work for us?

While the temptation to snicker is there, Britney Spears is a sad case of a lack of parenting.

From the UK Dail Mail:

Fears were growing for Britney Spears' mental health yesterday after she shaved her head and branded her body with tattoos a day after quitting rehab.

While psychologists speculated that her behaviour was a cry for help, her shorn locks were being auctioned on eBay for $1million. Fears were growing for Britney Spears' mental health yesterday after she shaved her head and branded her body with tattoos a day after quitting rehab.

While psychologists speculated that her behaviour was a cry for help, her shorn locks were being auctioned on eBay for $1million.

She's been imploding for a long, long time. The success and money have kept a lot of it hidden for years, but eventually it becomes impossible to ignore.

The next time you consider putting off the job of being a real parent, the next time you are tempted to think that money and status are the main things in life, remember Britney Spears...and dare to parent.


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