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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, February 19, 2007

Build Family Housing = Heterosexist

From LifeSite, the newest bit of homosexual political correctness from my old stomping ground of Cambridge, England:

A former mayor of Cambridge, England, John Hipkin, is demanding an apology and a retraction after being accused publicly of “heterosexism” for suggesting that more homes need to be built to accommodate families.

Hipkin wondered aloud at a planning meeting last fall whether the preference of housing developers for one and two bedroom homes was not “putting huge pressure of a contraceptive nature on this city.”

Hipkin said at the time, “People presumably start off single or young marrieds and have children, don't they? Where are they going to go?”

Now why in the world would we want to build housing that was suitable for families. It's only been the natural order of civilization for thousands of years. What was this homophobe thinking???

Calling the complaint a “slur on his character,” Hipkin said, “Such an allegation runs contrary to all the things I think I am. I have spent my life opposing homophobia, sexism, racism - all forms of discrimination.”

Actually, his mistake was not paying close enough attention to what he was thinking and saying, and he accidentally lapsed into non-politically-correct, real-world thinking. He'd better guard himself more carefully in the future, lest he jeopardize his liberal credentials.


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