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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, February 23, 2007

British Friends Defend America

I heard about this video from the World Magazine blog. It's very very good.

In a world overrun by "America-bashing," it's a welcome lesson from our British friends at on what the world might be like without America.

I give our British friends grief over their socialist health care system (and deservedly so), but the British have long been our best friend in the world. I'm very grateful for how they came to our side after 911 and have stayed at our side since then--at great political cost to Tony Blair, no less.

I look back fondly on the three years I spent in England in the late 1980s. While I didn't like a lot of their socialist policies, I met some of the finest people in the world over there, many of whom deeply appreciate all the good America represents. They are fellow patriots in the cause of freedom.

Thanks,, for enriching the fine tradition of Anglo-American friendship!


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