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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rewarding Stupidity (and Greed)

From the U.S. Supreme Court decision on PHILIP MORRIS USA v. WILLIAMS released today:

In this state negligence and deceit lawsuit, a jury found that Jesse Williams’ death was caused by smoking and that petitioner Philip Morris, which manufactured the cigarettes he favored, knowingly and falsely led him to believe that smoking was safe. In respect to deceit, it awarded $821,000 in compensatory damages and $79.5 million in punitive damages to respondent, the personal representative of Williams’ estate.

Thought smoking was safe. Uh huh.

This guy probably sat around in December and April waiting for Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, too. Who on this planet doesn't know smoking is hazardous to your health? They've only put warning labels on the packs for decades, and I once saw a quote from King James of England who acknowledged that smoking was unhealthy--nearly 400 years ago!

Stuff like this is why you might see a label on your toaster: "Do not use in the bathtub."

We reward stupidity and greed. Why? Not because the plaintiff deserves it, but simply because the defendant can afford it.


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