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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, August 15, 2008

You Might Be a Liberal...

A few good ones from John Hawkins' "25 Reasons You Might Be a Liberal":

* You think kids in public schools should have to watch Earth in the Balance and read Heather Has Two Mommies, but no piece of literature with the word "Jesus" on it should be allowed within a hundred yards of a school.

* You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle.

* You get more upset about an American soldier accidentally killing a civilian than you do about a terrorist deliberately blowing up a school bus full of kids.

* You have more nice things to say about countries like Cuba and France than you do about your own country.

* You think the case for global warming is proven without a shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism.

* You get infuriated when you hear about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company making tens of millions of dollars, but don't see a problem with an actor, basketball player, or trial lawyer making the same amount.

* You know that 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of income earners and you still feel that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes."

Right on!

Read the whole list here.


Anonymous said...

"You think kids in public schools should have to watch Earth in the Balance and read Heather Has Two Mommies, but no piece of literature with the word "Jesus" on it should be allowed within a hundred yards of a school."

In any history or Western history book I've ever read, Jesus is mentioned countless times. As he is obviously the most crucial figure for much of humanity. It doesn't call him the savior, because that is a religious statement, not a historical one.

"You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle."

80% of guests on Fox News have conservative viewpoints, 20% have liberal. On CNN, it's 52% conservative, 48% liberal. I will admit that MSNBC has a liberal bias. But remember, conservatives argued that Wikipedia (the encyclopedia editted by ANYONE) has a liberal bias and started Conservapedia.

" You get more upset about an American soldier accidentally killing a civilian than you do about a terrorist deliberately blowing up a school bus full of kids."

Terrorists are scum and don't claim to be working for the greatest country in the history of mankind. Our troops have a higher standard, much, much higher.

"You have more nice things to say about countries like Cuba and France than you do about your own country."

Forgive us for wanting to make our country better. The argument: 'if you don't love it the way it is now then you hate it' is an either-or fallacy.

"You think the case for global warming is proven..."

So do climate scientists...

"... but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism."

Government regulation of business is not socialism. Government exists to protect PEOPLE, not business.

"You get infuriated when you hear about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company making tens of millions of dollars, but don't see a problem with an actor, basketball player, or trial lawyer making the same amount."

I'd say their all pretty much the same. Unless they play for the LA Lakers.

"You know that 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of income earners and you still feel that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes."

Well since the richest 20% makes 80% of the money I'd say that's about right. The richest 1% makes about 40% of the money, therefore, they should pay 40% of the taxes, right?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Braden Liberal?

Did we want/need an explaination?

The point is that you bitch about those books.

But on Fox the viewpoint is presented, on the others they aren't.

Like when you complain about Abu-Ghraib but don't give 1/1000 of the relevance to the bombings that have happened in the last 24 hours.

Which then reflects on the Cuba and France comment. 'Terrorist deserve more respect.'

A consensus is a majority of opinion. Opinion has never been science, because OPINION can't be proven. If condensation exists
why aren't we in a drought?

The last two comments - when did liberals complain about actors not paying enough in taxes? They pay the same rates. They have the same accountants?

I guess what this post is trying to point out is Liberals are Hypocrites, when it comes to these issues.

But you defending them is no surprise.

Anonymous said...

"Did we want/need an explaination?"

The last comment did need an explaination. The reason that 86% of taxes are paid by the richest 25% is because the richest 25% make about 86% of the income, not because of blood sucking liberals as the comment would have you believe.

"The point is that you bitch about those books."

I believe it was this guy John Hawkins bitching about how Jesus wasn't in them (which he is), not me.

"But on Fox the viewpoint is presented, on the others they aren't."

Calling their station 'Fair & Balanced' isn't presenting their viewpoint.

"Like when you complain about Abu-Ghraib but don't give 1/1000 of the relevance to the bombings that have happened in the last 24 hours."

If you want to torture people because terrorist scumbags torture people that's fine. But don't run around calling yourself the greatest nation on Earth then. Terrorists run around and kill civilians and torture people because they are low lifes. We should not, because we are the greatest country on Earth, so when we do, people rightfully get very upset about it. If you want to hold a terrorist and an American soldier to the same level of conduct that's fine, but I won't.

"A consensus is a majority of opinion. Opinion has never been science, because OPINION can't be proven."

Science is based on evidence. Scientists agree that the evidence overwhelmingly supports global warming. The debate is in the public and between politicians.

"But you defending them is no surprise."

Right, it's not. Because I'm liberal. If I posted a comment bitching about conservatives you would do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

You could give a horse a brain but you couldn't make it talk.

Anonymous said...

Braden said "The reason that 86% of taxes are paid by the richest 25% is because the richest 25% make about 86% of the income..."

If that is true, then wouldn't a FLAT TAX rate be a perfectly fair way for government to collect revenue? If I make twice as much as my neighbor I would pay twice as much in tax instead of the punitive rate I now pay. I'm all for a flat tax. How about you, Braden?

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