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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Newspaper Calls on Johnson to Reconsider Debates

The Yankton Press & Dakotan calls on Senator Tim Johnson to reconsider and debate Republican challenger Joel Dykstra:

However, by refusing to debate, Johnson winds up making the issue for them. The decision not to debate could be interpreted as an inability to do so, especially from a man who has been a formidable and willing debater throughout his long political career. (However, Johnson’s decision cannot be classified as a “totalitarian” move, as the South Dakota Conservative Action Council hotly charged in a press release Friday. If it were truly totalitarian, we wouldn’t be having the election in the first place.)

Our guess is, most South Dakotans can look past the lingering physical nuisances of his stroke and see the merits of the man who seeks the honor of serving them again in the U.S. Senate.

Johnson should give South Dakotans that chance and reconsider his decision.


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