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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sioux Falls School District Makes a Good Choice

Todd Epp at SD Watch and his friends at Planned Parenthood are upset that the Sioux Falls School District allowed the Alpha Center to buy an ad in the School Directory.

Apparently the Planned Parenthood gang are for choice when that choice involves killing your baby...but not for the Alpha Center to choose to pay for an ad in a publication.

Apparently the Planned Parenthood gang are for choice when that choice involves ending the life of an innocent child in the womb...but not for the school district to choose to accept an ad.

Apparently the Planned Parenthood gang are for choice when that choice involves a woman permanently severing her bond to her child...but not for a young woman to choose life for her child.

Todd says

I can’t imagine the District would allow Planned Parenthood to run such an ad in an information school-sponsored publication like a directory.

Let's certainly hope not. There's more than a little difference between an organization that (1) promotes life, (2) promotes healthy choices, (3) promotes responsibility, (4) promotes healing...and an organization that (a) promotes killing innocent human beings, (b) promotes acts that wreck women's health, (c) promotes promiscuity, (d) glosses over its harmful agenda with a varnish of "choice."

Would you condemn a school for running an ad that warned young people away from alcohol...or would you expect them to also run an ad from a local liquor store?

Would you condemn a school for running an ad that warned young people away from tobacco...or would you expect them to also run an ad for Marlboro?

But as Voices Carry points out, Planned Parenthood has already been getting their message into America's classrooms--and with more than just an ad that students may pay 2-seconds' attention to. They've been doing it with condom-based sex education classes that sometimes even include references to sexually aggressive Planned Parenthood materials.

The founders of our nation understood that an education is far more than simply cramming facts inside a young mind, that an education should also teach the youth how to be good moral people:

Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main ends of his life and studies; to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all knowledge and learning and see that the Lord only giveth wisdom. - John Harvard, Harvard University

Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion, and the duties of man towards God. - Gouverneur Morris, Signer of the Declaration of Independence

The Christian Religion is the most import and and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed - Noah Webster

Religion, Morality, and Knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.- Northwest Ordinance, July 13, 1787

For too long our society has pretended that if there are two sides to an issue, one of them can't possible be "right", only a matter of preference.

For too long our society has pretended that there is no good and bad, only preference.

And in this pretenders game, the lives of countless men, women and children have been shattered beyond measure.

It's time good people and people in authority got down off the fence and took sides--the side of right.

It's time to stop being ashamed of what is right, and do what is right.

The Sioux Falls School District showed good judgment and should be commended for it.


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