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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, May 30, 2008 Campaign Kickoff

I went to the campaign kick-off for Initiated Measure 11 tonight in Rapid City.

Leslee Unruh said that in addition to the 50,000 or so petition signatures received prior to the deadline back in April, there were another 8,000 that came in but were too late. That makes about 58,000 signatures or more than 3 times what was needed to get the pro-life measure on the ballot in November.

She also said there were only about 11% of them that were rejected, which is considerably lower than the average for petition signatures. Apparently the circulator and other staff did a good job of making sure the "i"'s were dotted and the "t"'s were crossed.

Unruh said a lot of lessons were learned during and after the 2006 campaign for Referred Law 6, and that this year's campaign will be waged much smarter.

Dr Patti Giebink, treasurer of, also spoke. Geibink is a former abortionist who had a change of heart and now realizes the truth about abortion. She said she can't do anything to bring back the lives she took when she performed abortions, but she is obviously dedicated to working as hard as she can going forward to save as many lives as possible. She is an inspiring example of the redemption possible through Jesus Christ.

It's a long way to November, but he campaign for Initiated Measure 11 is taking nothing for granted, and is already gearing up to do it better and smarter than last time.

I took a few pics at the gathering tonight, in the slideshow below.


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