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Monday, May 26, 2008

Phil Jensen Running for South Dakota Dist. 33 House

I received some campaign information from Phil Jensen who is running for the South Dakota state House in District 33:

I’m Phil Jensen and I’m a Reagan Conservative! I was born and raised in Wichita, KS, where I attended Butler County Community College, Wichita State University, and Kansas University Medical Center’s 1600 hour advanced paramedic training. I met and married my wife Janet (Deiss) of White River, S.D. in 1988.

Janet and I are real estate investors and have owned and operated Health Advantage, Inc., a Saladmaster Cookware Dealership for the past twenty years. For several of those years, our dealership ranked in the top ten in sales, world-wide.

In 2007 we found ourselves battling breast cancer. We faced challenges that have helped us to focus on those things that are truly important: family, friends, and service to our community.

I became involved in politics when I was nineteen, working on behalf of Sen. Bob Dole. I have been active in SD politics by helping and encouraging several candidates to run for office. I am a hunter, a member of the SD Wildlife Federation, the National Rifle Association, Republican Ambassadors and Rimrock Evangelical Free Church.

I believe in the limited Jeffersonian model of government; that government governs best at the local level; that the proper role of government is to establish and maintain an environment that enables and encourages the individuals and businesses of the state to be independent, contributing and self-sustaining citizens. Ronald Reagan once said that government is like a baby…an alimentary canal with a large appetite at one end…and no sense of responsibility at the other.

I will work:

- To reduce the size of government
- To represent taxpayers’ concern for escalating property taxes.
- To encourage economic development for business owners and entrepreneurship,
- To increase the number of health care providers to allow free market forces to bring the cost of health insurance and health care services down and reduce the number of uninsured.
- To improve education, protect gun rights, and protect life.

I would appreciate your vote for one of the two House seats available in District 33.

Your voice does count!

If you have questions, concerns or ideas please call me: 343-1335.


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