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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Breaking News: Barack Obama Resigns from His Church

This is just coming out, but several media sources are reporting that Barack Obama has resigned from his church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

The New York Times blog has this:

Mr. Obama informed his campaign advisers of his decision today, according to people familiar with the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak for the candidate. Mr. Obama is scheduled to explain his decision tonight in South Dakota.

For Mr. Obama, this is the latest effort to distance himself from a church that had repeatedly drawn negative attention to his candidacy. And, in turn, Mr. Obama drew negative attention to the church on Chicago’s South Side, where he was married and his two daughters were baptized.

This seems like a long-overdue step on Obama's part. The hits he's taken due to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racist and anti-American rhetoric were bad enough, but his troubles continued when it recently came out that Catholic priest Michael Pfleger had mocked Hillary Clinton crying and used profanity from the pulpit at the church.

One can only hope that Obama will find a more Bible-based church to attend now...and that Barack Obama's worldview might shift from a Marxist humanist one to a Biblical worldview.


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised. What else could he do after the latest invective from the pulpit at Trinity? I wonder when was the last time a Trinity preacher spoke of God, Jesus, saving grace, or repentance from that same pulpit?

BO can distance himself from Wright, Farrakhan and Pfleger, but he is still under the influence of Michelle and her racism, anger and self-pity, so it is unlikely he will experience an epiphany and rise to the challenges America faces today.

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