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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pot for Medical Use Not Working Well in Calif.

Associated Press brings word of a federal bust of "medical" marijuana sellers in California:

The owner of six Southern California medical marijuana dispensaries, including one store linked to an accident that killed a motorist and paralyzed an officer, are facing federal drug and money laundering charges.

Virgil Grant III, 41, and his wife, Psytra Grant, 33, were arrested Tuesday and appeared in court but neither entered pleas, said Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office.

Authorities are still searching for employee Stanley Jerome Cole, accused of selling a pound of marijuana to undercover agents for $5,700, said Mrozek.

Proponents of legalizing marijuana for medical use claim it is necessary to help people with the pain of certain ailments, and that only smoking pot can do the job. That justification seems a little weak (as if it didn't before) after this bust.

The Seattle Times points out that marijuana was sold to an undercover agent who had no medical need for the pot:
Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents set up undercover buys at each of the facilities in which an operative with "no serious medical ailments" was sold medicinal marijuana, according to an affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.

In addition to the possession and sales charges, and the money laundering charges, the sellers were also charged with selling drugs within 1,000 feet of a school.

I thought legalizing the sale of pot was supposed to cause crime to go down, peace and love would break out uncontrollably across the planet and the common cold would be cured. Seems not.

There are alternative pain treatments, even ones that use THC, the substance in pot, that can be used for those with legitimate medical needs, without undermining our current drug enforcement efforts.

And as this incident shows, legalizing pot even for medical use brings MORE problems not less. I'm sure the dead motorist and the paralyzed police officer would agree.


Unknown said...

First of all, if anyone showed up with a medical marijuana card from a doctor, they don't need to tell anyone what they have, they are allowed to buy. This means either they already had the cards and went in, or they were given cards under a bad pretense which means its a doctors fault, no the dispensaries.

Secondly the DEA office closed down over 50 dispensaries last year, but guess what? Were still strong. This recent "bust" does not make our justification weaker. It only shows how damaging our Federal Government can be. A prohibition of drugs or alcohol should be a state enforced action, not federal. One answer for the whole country is never wise. Just imagine if our Federal Government decided that abortions are no longer legal for anyone. Stop forcing a prohibition proven to be started by a cotton owner who felt threated by hemp sales, as we the people know what we want, and quite frankly its our native cannabis plants!

P.S: Vote for Ron Paul. I know its a bit late, but not only can you still write him in, but vote for "Ron Paul Republican" candidates for the house of representatives, and congress, or your state governor.

Unknown said...

Oh and by the way, here is a video of a boy who needs medical marijuana because the synthetic stuff you mentioned doesn't help.

Anonymous said...

A letter to prohibitionists, A letter to those whom pollute peoples minds with more lies,superstitions, and bigotry-isms, A letter to Federal Enforcers of unjust Marijuana laws created to keep Hispanics and African Americans under oppressive submission and prevent Industrial hemp from ever being a corporate competition to Duponts Nylon, Big Pharmacies NSAID's, or William Randolph Hearsts capitalist ambitions, A letter to the morality squad that wrongfully thinks they have a monopoly on GOD

You stand against People in pain, people who have tried the differences and prefer the natural herbal solutions over synthetics, You Stand against people who want to live naturally, We see you for what you are. You Call us pot heads or dopers and wish to rob us of freedom and life, to make us live out our lives as slaves to yoru pills or in your prisons, You Whom try to dictate to society how a man should medicate him or herself. YOU CRY BUT ITS ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW You show whom you serve when you make those cat calls and its not the will of god or of the people

Bob Ellis said...

I wondered when the pity lobby would be heard from.

I think the article speaks for itself about the good vs. bad of legalizing another intoxicant and the abuse thereof.

Bob Ellis said...

I wondered when the pity lobby would be heard from.

I think the article speaks for itself about the good vs. bad of legalizing another intoxicant and the abuse thereof.

jmengr said...

The article does not speak for itself. The feds do not recognize California's medical marijuana policy and they victimize those who participate with inflated and invented charges - just like the 'war on drugs' as a whole. Pot is not a dangerous drug. There's not nearly as much money to be made in selling it as there is in pretending we're stopping it!!!! Just like everything else in America, follow the money people.

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