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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Obama Confused About War, Family Relations

By now you've probably heard about Barack Obama's speech where he told the story of his uncle who was part of the Soviet Army that liberated Auschwitz...well, the uncle was supposedly an American soldier, even though the Soviets liberated Auschwitz...and some are saying that Obama's mother had no brother, and his father is a foreigner.

Just a few minor details out of whack there; it's not like Democrats are traditionally constrained by things like facts anyway.

Now CNS News and others are reporting that the Obama camp is saying it was actually Buchenwald, and it was his great uncle, not his uncle.

Obama's credibility was stretched pretty thin by his protestations that even after attending his church for 20 years, he didn't know about his pastor's racist, anti-American views.

Thinner still by Obama's inability to recognize threats to national security.

Even thinner still from his determination to gut the U.S. military.

I think that credibility is about as thin as cheap toilet paper now.

What's next? Will we hear about Obama being under sniper fire at Disneyland?


Anonymous said...

Obama has a coup de tat of the Democratic Party. I will never support him a liar. While Hillary may have exaggerated some drama to make her story he is an outright liar.

He is the most divisive candidate. He has divided the Party and may crack the country in two.

Never, never ever Hussine, if not Hillary, then vote McCain.

Anonymous said...

This is really NOT that big of a deal folks. It is an honest mistake probably told to him by his grandmother.

This actually may HELP Obama in the long run for it HIGHLIGHTS the fact that his family has WWII HEROES who even helped the Jews in Europe.

This will make Obama less "unAmerican" to people since he was WWII vets in his family. Also, to be honest, it's good for Obama to highlight his caucasian side of his family. Obama will appear far "less scary" to folks.

Also, this mistake is FAR LESS WORSE than McCain mixing up Shia and Sunni MULTIPLE TIMES. He is suppose to be an expert in the Iraq War yet he can't get these people straight.

Again not that big of a deal. Now if he totally fabricated the story than he would be in big trouble. Instead it is basically a true story just mixed up the concentration camps.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that Barack did not remember which concentration camp.

Barack has a real memory problem.

He can't even remember going to a party given for a "Iraqi-born billionaire" just 4 years ago.

Barack "said he didn't recall" meeting a controversial Iraqi-born billionaire at a party held at the home of his former friend and fundraiser, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, on April 3, 2004, because it was in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois.

Barack didn't deny the assertion of Stuart Levine, a key witness in Rezko's federal fraud trial.

"I just don't have a recollection of the event,"

Barack may not recall Rezko's party for Auchi, but he was not in the "middle" of a U.S. Senate race or speaking all the time.

Indeed, an archived copy of an Barack "upcoming events" schedule on his old Senate campaign web site shows that on a Saturday two weeks later, he had no personal campaign activities.


Barack has said that his campaign’s position “consistently has been that the Michigan and Florida delegations should be seated.” NPR, 3/14/08

The idea that we’d exclude 2.5 million voters who cast ballots from deciding the nominee is an affront to our democracy and is inconsistent with the ideals on which our nation was founded.

2209 delegates are needed to clinch the Democratic nomination when ALL states and territories are counted in the process. The DNC’s Rules & Bylaws committee meets on May 31 to consider challenges aimed at ensuring that the ENTIRE country decides the Democratic nominee.

Barry + Wright + Resko + Auchi + Michelle = President McSame

OR Maybe ... just maybe .. "President Barr" .. since the DNC didn't count Florida votes when they would have had more value.

We do NOT have to vote for Barack OR the republican ,,, there IS another choice.

Anonymous said...

This is nuts that you think this is an issue. Says a lot about you. Stay out of the gene pool!

Jesse said...

Oh, puh-LEEZ. Is this story a joke? Am I on Candid Camera? I can't believe that even the most rabid, Dem-hating partisan would think this story is actually a scandal.

I have always referred to my grandpa's brothers and sisters (12 of them on a Minnesota farm) as my "uncles and aunts." And it's not like Obama's uncle claimed to have liberated Auschwitz while he was actually flipping burgers in Topeka. He liberated another, equally horrible camp. Give non-issues like this a rest, and let's talk about health care, the value of confident diplomacy, and taking better care of our veterans.

Bob Ellis said...

As I said, it goes to credibility...which was already thin.

Anonymous said...

Come on Bob, it's not like Republicans are any better at deciphering facts than Democrats. I also think it's naive to think that only Democrat politicians lie. Look at Bush, he's lied about weapons of mass destruction, the state of the economy, torture by the CIA, and remember "Mission Accomplished".

Get real, politicians on both sides will lie because people (Republican and Democrat) will buy it. Americans don't hold their leaders accountable.

Anonymous said...

At the beginning of the Messiahs, I mean Obama's speech, he speaks of "honoring the unbroken line of fallen heroes", then states, "and I see many of them here today." Say what?? Obama see dead people?? No wonder the Libtards think he's the 2nd coming.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to prove again that he's a liar.

I hope America can see him for what he is a racist liar.

Anonymous said...

Agreeing with the "this is not a big deal" posters. Don't push the politicians into being so careful with their speech they can't be real people please.

The "Don't vote Hussein" guy, who btw can't even spell Hussein, is not even attempting to hide his racism. By the way, Obama is NOT a muslim...

And the bit about the Iraqi billionaire at a party? Ok, so a guy is at a party. And I am at a party. And so are hundreds of other people. Think I'm gonna remember everyone? Just because they were at the same social event, now Obama is tarred by this menacing billioniare from the mideast? And so WHAT if an Iraqi billionaire was there, he's automatically a bad guy cause he's a billionaire? Or Iraqi, or what? Last I checked, the reason we were fighting the war in Iraq was to help the Iraqi's (although its hard to keep track of the current reason).
And if is so bad to befriend rich middle easterners, god save Bush, cause he's busy holding hands with them!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that many readers of this story recognize it as false and exaggerated. Renews my faith in the good people of the heartland. Don't listen to thoughtless lies about the candidates. After the last eight years, we all deserve to elect a better president!

Unknown said...

I have three choice words for people who say Michigan and Florida votes should not count:

OK, that was four, but you guys already have a counting problem yourselves, it would seem ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good thing Hillary didn't say this. The mainline press (who simply adores Obama and will show HIM some grace) would eat Hillary alive over something like this.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Bob Ellis, you are an idiot. I'm not sure how I found my way to this looney blog. Think I clicked over from some other less looney blog. Wonder why they linked to your ridiculous one? I'll have to go check.

Anyway, knucklehead, Obama confusing Auschwitz and Buchenwald is not a big deal and the RNC is not doing themselves any favors by trying to make a big deal out of it. This is going to be a rough year for Republicans and the smartest among you (you don't belong to that group, apparently) are trying to formulate a more positive message before election day. That the RNC appears to be run by children is not helping the cause.

Gonna approve this post, Bob?

Anonymous said...

"Helloooo, Sioux City!"

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