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Monday, May 26, 2008

Libertarians Choose Barr

From the Washington Times, former Republican congressman Bob Barr has been selected as the Libertarian Party's nominee for president.

Mr. Barr, a conservative standard-bearer who switched to the Libertarian Party less than two years ago, defeated Mary Ruwart, a biophysicist and longtime party activist, by 54 percent to 46 percent in the final ballot. Delegates late last night agreed that Wayne Allyn Root, a celebrity sports handicapper, would be Mr. Barr's running mate.

Normally the Libertarian Party's nominee would hardly be notable, but normally the Republican nominee is strong enough to guarantee that little of the conservative vote would be lost to the Libertarian ticket.

However, with this year's Republican nominee, John McCain, seeming intent on spitting in the face of his conservative base, the Libertarian and Constitution parties could see interest like never before.


Anonymous said...

Libertarians believe in small government in all areas. Mc Cain would make government bigger by; being policeman to the world, spying on US citizens and huge growth in domestic spending.

Let's face it if you believe in small government, even socialist Obama would be better.

Dakota Voice
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