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Friday, May 30, 2008

Federal Marriage Amendment Introduced in Congress

I just learned tonight from the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy that on May 22, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) introduced HJR 89, the Marriage Protection Amendment, to the U.S. House.

Section 2 of the bill reads:

Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.

Given the recent judicial activism by the California Supreme Court in pursuit of homosexual "marriage," a Federal Marriage Amendment is needed now more than ever.

California has no residency requirement for marriage, so many other states are at risk of lawsuits from homosexuals who may go to California to be "married" and run home to try and force this travesty on other states.

States without constitutional amendments, or even a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in some cases, are particularly vulnerable to this move to hijack marriage.

Even now, ten states are urging California to stay this judicial decision until the people of California have a chance to exercise democracy and speak on the issue in November.

Congress needs to pass HJR 89 with all haste so that states not yet victimized by judicial activism can be protected from assault on society's most fundamental institution: marriage.

Marriage and family are too important to be used as a tool to legitimize an immoral, unnatural and unhealthy sexual practice.


Anonymous said...

If this bill was to be taken seriously at all, the GOP lost all credibility by letting this member introduce it. The irony of the "marriage is a union between one man and one woman" part should slap this guy right between the eyes: he's on wife number four!

Bob Ellis said...

I don't know the circumstances of those marriages (there are at least Biblical justifications for remarriage, including infidelity on the part of the other, or the death of a spouse), but if he lacks Biblical justification, you have a valid point, and he hasn't honored marriage himself.

However, even if that's the case, he is at least looking to the right sex.

The concept of homosexual "marriage" turns God's design for human sexuality and marriage itself completely upside down, since God clearly designed marriage to be between a man and a woman.

Anonymous said...

He has remarried; however, since he came to the Lord, he has been with the same woman. He was not born again until his late 40s. He very well may agree with you now, but he cannot change the past.

Bob Ellis said...

Thanks, Anonymous. Many of us have things in our pasts we wish we could change, but then that's why being born-again is such a radical change.

It sounds like he's headed in the right direction now, since he's leading the way in defending marriage.

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