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Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Third Great Awakening?

Many people are praying for a Third Great Awakening, a spiritual renewal, in America. Lord knows we need it.

From CBN News:

Finney and other revivalists believed that the Gospel did not just get people saved, but it was also a means of making the country better. The Second Great Awakening inspired a wave of social activism.

Marshall said, "Every single social ministry in America in the 19th century, the first mission to the deaf, the first ministry to the blind, the first prison reform, the temperance movement, and, of course, the biggest one out of them all, the anti-slavery movement, the women's movement -- all of these were started directly by evangelical Christians who had come to Jesus in the Second Great Awakening."

Several societies were also created to spread the Gospel, including the American Bible Society.

Christians started orphanages, hospitals, and Sunday schools.

The First Great Awakening, which occurred in the early to mid 1700s, has often been credited with laying the foundation for the American Revolution.

Revivals of Christian faith can change the course of civilizations...but they have to start with God's people.


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