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Monday, April 16, 2007

Doctors in UK Refusing to do Abortions

Interesting. Doctors in the UK are increasingly refusing to perform abortions.

From This is London:

Katherine Guthrie, a spokesman on family planning for the RCOG, said: 'You get no thanks for performing abortions. You get spat on. Who admits to friends at a dinner party that they are an abortionist?

'There is an increasing number of young doctors who are not participating in training. The Department of Health is really worried.'

You'd think if abortion was such a wonderful public service, doctors would be selflessly lining up to perform such a noble act as killing an unwanted child.

Yet, unless your conscience is drastically seared, something inside just keeps saying, "This is wrong."


Christina Dunigan said...

It's a sad reflection on society when a doctor's refusal to kill people makes health officials worry.

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