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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Law to Require Teaching Condom Use

Hearkening back to yesterday's discussion of sex ed funding, here's a piece from WorldNetDaily today that illustrates why, while I agree with lexrex on cutting all public funding, it needs to be cut across the board, not just abstinence education.

In Colorado, they're expanding sex ed with a "condom, contraception and copulation" curriculum :

Citing the requirement for the state's "public peace, health and safety," Colorado lawmakers have approved the proposal sponsored by Rep. Nancy Todd, D-Aurora, regarding "the adoption of science-based content standards for instruction regarding human sexuality."

Citing statistics from Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, it requires any school that provides sex education classes to include the information on condoms and other contraception, including "emergency contraception."

The proposal will mean a "comprehensive condom, contraception and copulation" curriculum for all students, state Sen. Shawn Mitchell, R-Broomfield, told the Rocky Mountain News.


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