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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Further Reprieve: Emilio Gonzales' Case Postponed Until May 8th

Little Emilio Gonzales is the 17 month old in Texas, whose life is being threatened by the Texas Futile Care Law. A law that allows doctors, hospitals and their so-called ethics committee to decide that care is futile and give a 10-Day termination of life notice. That's right, families have an entire 10 days in which to find another facility to care for their loved one. Should they fail to find one within the allotted time, the hospital staff can readily end life support of the patient deemed futile.

Catarina Gonzales, Emilio's mother, sought help in saving her baby and an extension was granted. The hospital agreed to give the mother until April 10th at 5 PM to find another facility that would accept her son. On that very date, a hearing was scheduled with Travis County Probate Judge Guy Herman. Judge Herman scheduled a hearing on April 19th to give the hospital and Emilio's mother time to prepare, in effect giving the toddler a nine day reprieve. Judge Herman has since postponed tomorrow's hearing until May 8th to further give time for preparation, thus giving little Emilio the additional time as well.

(April 18, 2007) From Texas Right to Life's Alert:

"While Texas Right to Life continues to aggressively pursue leads and transfer possibilities, Emilio’s needs are as follows: surgeons willing to provide his tracheostomy and g-tube procedures, physicians willing to care for Emilio while he recovers, a long term care facility willing to care for Emilio after his procedures, and physicians willing to help attorney Jerri Ward in the May 8th court hearing."

"While God in His inscrutable ways is obviously at work here, please join us in prayer for Emilio’s family, for all who are currently involved in Emilio’s care and his transfer attempts, and most importantly, for Emilio’s health. Additionally, please pray that all in our society will learn and remember that when one life, no matter how sick, small, or unloved is deemed futile, all human life is rendered valueless. Finally, please pray that all in the Pro-Life movement will be blessed with the courage to defend baby Emilio no matter what powers and principalities oppose us."



Bob Ellis said...

It may be difficult to find another facility that is reasonably close by; most areas don't have more than one major medical facility.

Our society sure seems in a hurry to kill the weak and the innocent, these days.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Indeed it does!

Anonymous said...

Did they ever find a transfer site for this little boy. Surely some hospital and physician will provide him appropriate care.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Last I was told, they still hadn't found a facility. I am waiting on an update and will post as soon as I receive it.

Yes, one would think there would be such a hospital and physician. If only they would come forward.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I will be posting shortly.

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