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Friday, April 20, 2007

Evidence Concerning Iraqi WMD Programs

By Bob Ellis
Dakota Voice

Did Saddam have WMDs? Would he have made some if we hadn't invaded? I think the answer to the first question is "Almost certainly," and the answer to the second is "Absolutely."

We've been over this many, many times in the past four years, so why do I bring it up again? Well, the liberals are making a fresh run at trying to repaint history to make it more palatable to them. So let's look at the information again.

A 2005 Washington Times report says

The CIA's chief weapons inspector said he cannot rule out the possibility that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were secretly shipped to Syria before the March 2003 invasion, citing "sufficiently credible" evidence that WMDs may have been moved there.

The article also says...(read more)


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