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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

BBC Clueless on Gun Control

The Media Research Center highlights BBC coverage of the Virginia Tech murders. Of course, the liberal BBC puts the gun control spin on it.

"The question all around the world, when an incident, a terrible incident like this happens is how many shootings does it take before America has a serious discussion about gun control?"

Meanwhile, the BBC ignores the real problem: evil.

When I lived in England for three years, I was struck (until I got used to it) by news reports of murders when I would listen to the radio there. It was one of those things that would just slap you in the face after listening to it for a little bit.

After a couple of weeks, I noticed that almost every single news report contained multiple reports of someone slashed to death here, stabbed to death there, hacked to death somewhere else. Yes, Britain had gun control...but the British people were slicing and stabbing each other to death like crazy with the knives still available to them. Oh, and let's not forget the many ones who were strangled and even a few garroted. I remember being amazed at all the knifing and strangling going on in this realm of no-guns.

Guns make killing a little easier, but if someone wants to murder, they'll find a way. The real problem isn't guns; the real problem is the evil in men's hearts.

And the only thing that can truly fix that is the man they left out of the Virginia Tech memorial yesterday: Jesus the Messiah.


Leatherscot said...

America = Clueless on Gun Control

The BBC - liberal - are you mad?

Leatherscot said...

Its America thats clueless on Gun Control. And the BBC is never liberal by the planets definition of the word - compared with American right-wing religious nutters - they are - gladly - liberal

Rich Johnston said...

Yet murders in the UK are lower than the US, and falling... why?

Bob Ellis said...

Rich: There are conflicting studies on whether the US or UK has a worse crime rate; I honestly don't know which to believe.

However, this post at TFS Magnum does look well documented and provides and interesting analysis that strongly indicates things are much worse in the UK:

Still, if the UK rate is indeed lower, maybe it's because the UK is a less free society than the US (i.e. more of a police state).

The US system of government was, as John Adams said, designed for a moral and religious people, and it is, in Adam's words, "wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Greater self-restraint affords less government restraint.

Since we in America are rejecting God and proving less moral and religious, our traditional form of government is, obviously, experiencing failures.

That leaves us with two answers: greater government restraint (e.g. gun control), or greater self restraint (embracing the Christian faith and morality that made us a free nation).

Others may choose differently, but if it was up to me, I'd rather choose morality and restrain myself than have the government do it for me.

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