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Monday, April 16, 2007

Can't Rely on Liberals to be Consistent

What's the world coming to when you can't even rely on liberals to be consistent?

I'm talking about this abstinence education report that shows a lack of results in four out of hundreds of abstinence education programs. Some liberals say we need to get rid of abstinence education now. From CNS News:

Responding to the survey results, James Wagoner, president of Advocates for Youth, said in a news release of his own that "after 10 years and $1.5 billion in public funds, these failed abstinence-only-until-marriage programs will go down as an ideological boondoggle of historic proportions."

"Congress must now move to de-fund these programs," Wagoner added. "Anything short of eliminating these programs would be a dereliction of its duty to promote public health and protect young people in the era of AIDS."

Normally, whether it be welfare, education spending or whatever, if something isn't working, liberals demand more money be thrown at it. That approach goes back decades for liberals: if something isn't working, just spend more money on it. So why aren't they demanding more money be spent on abstinence education? Because it doesn't fit the ideology of sexual license.

Seriously, I recently defended abstinence education if for no other reason than it's the morally correct message to send to young people, and it's never wrong to teach the right thing.

I just found this liberal aberration interesting.


lexrex said...

regardless, funding for all sex ed, including abstinence ed, should be cut. it's not the government's role to teach our kids about sex, especially not the federal government

Bob Ellis said...

I might be persuaded to agree with you, lexrex, if ALL funding were cut, including that for teaching kids to wear condoms, etc.

I agree that it's not the gov'ts role to be teaching kids about sex: it should be the parents.

What about it libs: are you up for mutual disarmament?

lexrex said...

bob, note my first sentence and my usage of "all." i'm with ya.

Bob Ellis said...

I know ya are, lexrex. I just wanted to be completely clear that I'm not up for unilateral disarmament, since practically no one in the public arena is advocating de-funding condom classes.

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