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Monday, April 16, 2007

Lead by Example

These global warming fanatics in Congress would have a little more credibility if they acted like they took the "problem" seriously.

From CNS News:

( - As Sen. John Kerry promotes his new book on the dangers of global warming, he's been running up an average electric bill of $1,100 a month at his federal-style red-brick townhouse on Louisburg Square in the Beacon Hill area of Boston.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Senate committee on environment and public works, paid a high of $675 a month and a low of $225 a month in 2005 to power her home in Greenbrae, Calif., according to the utility company Pacific Gas and Electric.

Or is all the sacrifice and conservation just for us "little people?"


Ed Darrell said...

Can you explain how running up an electric bill appropriate for a given building demonstrates hypocrisy in global warming? Here in Texas, three-bedroom homes run up bills of $600 to $1000 a month. If Kerry's mansion is that efficient, it demonstrates he's working hard at reducing energy use and conserving resources.

Bob Ellis said...

I know plenty of people in the deep South (my parents among them), and I don't know any of them that run electric bills that high. Still, if you want to keep your house that cool and can pay for it, fine.

But if environmental wackos are going to tell the rest of us we need to conserve this and cut back that, they need to be out in front. There's where the hypocrisy comes in.

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