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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Imus: The Inside Story

I knew there was more to this Don Imus flap than met the eye. I recently said that many of his fellow libs were throwing him under the bus because Imus was too prone to criticize his fellow liberals when their behavior was beyond the pale.

I've listened to Imus often enough to notice that, but not enough to notice this from Cliff Kinkaid's latest:

The real “inside story,” as Newsday’s Thrush indicated, is that Media Matters, the organization that initially taped and distributed Imus’s racist remarks about the Rutgers basketball team, has extremely close ties to Hillary. Media Matters had been after Imus for months because of his treatment of Hillary, noting as far back as May 2006 that he had referred to her as “Satan” and a “witch.” Media Matters called this attempted humor a “smear” and urged its followers to contact MSNBC and “take action” and protest.

And consider this:
While Imus had allowed Obama to come on his show, he had steadfastly refused to permit Senator Clinton to appear. Imus had been on the outs with the Clintons for many years, with some of the hostility stemming from his performance at the Radio/TV Correspondents Association Annual Dinner in 1996. Among other things, Imus had made fun of the former president’s womanizing.

Before he was fired by NBC News and CBS last week, one of Imus’s sidekicks regularly imitated Bill Clinton on the air, reminding people of how this potential First Husband had become a first-class national embarrassment and disgrace when he was having sexual relations with a former White House intern and lied about it. It was one of the truly funny bits on the show.

If you think the Hillary connection to the Imus firing is a stretch, consider the fact that David Brock wrote a sympathetic book about Hillary during the time of his transition from closeted homosexual to ex-conservative.


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