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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Adult Stem cell patch restores vision

From, yet another example of adult stem cell research helping people:

A man's vision has been restored by a corneal patch grown from adult stem cells by a team at the University of Melbourne's Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) and the Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery (BOBIM).

Meanwhile, the crickets are still chirping as we wait for results from embryonic stem cell research--the kind that kills embryonic human beings.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm actually responding, but this comparison is ridiculous. A very strong reason embryonic stem cell research hasn't made any important advances is the ridiculous limits put on it by the government: allowing only research with useless, contaminated cell lines to be funded.

This is comparing apples and oranges.

Bob Ellis said...

I realize this may seem too much like a pun, but Matt, you seem to prove how blind some folks can be.

You'd rather emphasize "maybe" research in favor of research that's already showing results.

I don't think there's any greater evidence that a "Culture of Death," as Pope John Paul once called it, is alive and well out there.

doc said...

As long as Mr. 'I can't believe I'm responding' is responding then he should use an actual orange for his metaphor...allowing only research with useless,...etc. is not correct. Research funded privately without using my tax dollars to pay for something morally repugnant to me is allowed...
Ditto, Mr. 'Culture of Death'.

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