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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Guns=Less Slaughter?

In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech bloodbath yesterday, some are bemoaning the fact that we don't have more gun control laws, while others say that if more responsible people were armed, this slaughter could have been ended quickly.

Also, this morning Central High School in Rapid City was put in lockdown after it was reported that someone had a gun on campus.

Interestingly, most people in a Gallup Poll says gun violence is a result of the way parents raise their children (45%) with access to guns coming in at 21%. It seems most people equate much of the violence in our society to parenting.

So what's the answer? Could greater access to handguns by responsible people have curtailed this horrible crime? Are more restrictions the answer? Or is (shudder to think) teaching our children values, particularly the value of human life, the answer?


Anonymous said...

In fact yes, armed citizens deter crime.

Mass murders are the category with the greatest effect from allowing people more latitude in defending themselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm always curious to see the response from the pro-guns camp whenever these horrible gun crimes happen.

I don't understand how some people can think having easy access to guns is a good idea. Especially after something like this.

I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Britain restricts gun ownership, and that fact has not lowered the crime rate there. Canada, with gun control, is hardly free of gun violence; remember the Toronto shootings?
The anti-gun faction always used to point to 'peaceful' Britain and Canada to make their case. I notice they never mention those countries anymore.
On the other hand, we never hear much about the many instances in which an armed citizen was able to stop an armed criminal.
The recent Salt Lake City mall shooter was stopped by an off-duty cop. Had an armed 'good guy' not been there, many more would have died, guaranteed.
And last but not least, our Founding Fathers believed in the right of citizens to bear arms. They never recommended that we look to an all-powerful paternal government for our self-defense.

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