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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Will Smith Gets It on Evil

From NewsMax, Will Smith is falsely being accused of saying Adolf Hitler was a good person.

Will Smith is angry over celebrity gossip Web site articles that he said misinterpreted a recent remark he made in a Scottish newspaper about Adolf Hitler.

In a story published Saturday in the Daily Record, Smith was quoted saying: “Even Hitler didn’t wake up going, ‘let me do the most evil thing I can do today.’ I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was ’good.”’

The quote was preceded by the writer’s observation: “Remarkably, Will believes everyone is basically good.”

Over the weekend, dozens of celebrity gossip Web sites posted articles about the comment, many saying that Smith believed that Hitler was a “good” person.

I wouldn't give you a nickle for rap music--even the clean stuff--but I've always liked Will Smith as an actor. And from personal interviews I've seen of him, he seems like a nice guy.

Despite this, I think the media generally has a positive impression of him, too, which is why I'm reluctant to put this false accusation down to malice.

At the same time, even knowing liberals like I do, I still find it hard to admit that some in the media could be this stupid as to misinterpret what he said.

It's something I've said a number of times myself. Most if not all evil people don't believe what they're doing is evil. They have a rationale for why what they're doing is good, whether their name is Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, or John Doe down the street.

It goes back to the fact that right and wrong aren't subjective and they aren't dependent on our feelings ("Well, I don't feel that's wrong"). Something is wrong based on the fact that it mistreats another human being and/or violates the character of our Creator, regardless of what we think or feel about it.

Sadly, many today can't grasp this truth, as the hard time they're giving Smith proves.

And the fact that he DOES get it just raised my opinion of him yet another notch.


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