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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Geological Evidence for the Genesis Flood

Answers in Genesis has an article today listing six "Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood," for those who have a mind open-enough to seek the truth.

They are:

Evidence #1—Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level due to the ocean waters having flooded over the continents.

Evidence #2—Rapid burial of plants and animals.

Evidence #3—Rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas.

Evidence #4—Sediment transported long distances.

Evidence #5—Rapid or no erosion between strata.

Evidence #6—Many strata laid down in rapid succession.

If you're uncertain about the truth of our origins, or even a skeptic, try purging your mind of any materialistic/naturalistic biases, and just consider the evidence to see if it makes sense. Maybe even more sense that the theories offered by atheists?


Anonymous said...

These are excellent points that should give all serious thinkers pause to consider the truth of a catastrophic flood in the recent past.

Another point that I have used to challenge skeptics is the formation of the Grand Canyon; it could only have happened rapidly and violently. While the sediment was still plastic a violent rushing channel of water cut rapidly through the soft sediment and carried the mud and debris far out to sea.

The theory of a slow tedious erosion over millions of years would have carried the sediment and rock to the mouth of the Colorado river where it would have settled out within a few miles, building up a large delta region, much larger even than that of the Missippi River. We see nothing like that at the mouth of the Colorado River in the Gulf of California. Where did all the sediment go?

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