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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, December 26, 2007

South Dakota's Top Stories of 2007

From the Yankton Press & Dakotan, here are the state's top 10 stories as rated by South Dakota Associated Press member newspaper editors and broadcast news directors:

1. The execution of Elijah Page.

2. Sen. Tim Johnson's recuperation.

3. Homestake's selection as a national lab site.

4. The Ted Klaudt case.

5. The DM&E is denied a government loan.

6. A philanthropist gives $400 million for health care.

7. A killer Black Hills fire.

8. The Elk Point area is eyed as a refinery site.

9. The state Senate censures Dan Sutton.

10. Spring rains inundate Aberdeen.

The Elijah Page execution may have actually been the top story, but somehow it doesn't feel like it. After all, we (in Rapid City) didn't have to endure any more 1,900 word violin-accompanied soliloquies about the tragic life of Elijah Page, eclipsing any sympathy toward his victim or his victim's loved ones. One episode of that was more than enough.


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