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Friday, December 28, 2007

Huckabee Sounds like Democrats on Economy

I've pointed to a number of areas over the past few months where Mike Huckabee comes up short in the area of moral discernment (an odd thing to say about a Baptist preacher, but I'm convinced it's true).

But here's another area where Huckabee comes up short: economics. When he talks business, he sounds like one of these Marxists in the Democrat Party. He seems to think when business succeeds, it's only does so by cheating "the little guy" somehow. He seems to think the policies of Ronald Reagan, which brought this country out of a economic tailspin and into unprecedented growth, personify "greed.

Here's what Jeffrey Lord has to say about Mike Huckabee, and the Club for Growth's exposure of his Marxist rhetoric, in the American Spectator:

The Club is famous for delving into the records of GOP candidates for not just the presidency but other offices as well, carefully combing the fine print of their speeches, programs and votes as office-holder or candidate and matching them to the Reagan ideal. Mike Huckabee, it seems, has supported any number of taxes while governor, and the Club has inevitably zeroed in on his economic beliefs.

What disconcerts is Huckabee's gut level response. Instead of either defending his record or admitting to a mistake or challenging the views of the Club he said this: "The Club for Greed, I call them. They hate that. Oh, they hate it. And I enjoy giggin' them about it..."

Hello? Is the Republican Party seriously considering nominating a candidate whose instinctive response to criticism from Reaganites is to use the favorite code word of Reagan's enemies? Does Huckabee really believe that Reaganomics represents a philosophy of greed? Does he agree that the 1980s was "The Decade of Greed"?

Can a poor or middle class person be greedy? Is the guy or gal spending hard-earned money on video lottery or lottery tickets not greedy for big winnings? Is the person who looks at the wealthy with such (jealous?) contempt not greedy? Liberalism itself feeds greed--greed for what others have.

Is there greed in parts of the private sector? Sure. Is there malfeasance and wrongdoing? Sure. But advocating that government simply take over and redistribute wealth--which is where Huckabee's kind of rhetoric is leading--is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, or blowing your head off to cure a headache.

Where criminal activities occur in the business world, prosecute them. Where immoral and unethical behavior occurs, encourage morality and ethics (I know that even though they hate the unethical behavior, liberals somehow can't bring themselves to encourage morality).

But penalizing business simply for being successful, or taking wealth away from one person and giving it to another who has not earned it is simply a form of legalized plunder, or legal theft.

We don't want our government to be a legalized thief. It's not only immoral, but who knows when someday they might decide you have too much money...


Patti said...

Huckabee is angling to be National Preacher of America not President.

Social conservatives rule the Republican roost now.

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