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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

America Still Overwhelmingly a Christian Culture

The loud-mouthed secularists among us would have us believe that only a few ignorant, drooling primitives are Christians or identify with Christianity. After all, no intelligent person could identify with the silly, superstitious claims of Christianity, right? The reality is a little different.

From Gallup:

About 82% of Americans in 2007 told Gallup interviewers that they identified with a Christian religion. That includes 51% who said they were Protestant, 5% who were "other Christian," 23% Roman Catholic, and 3% who named another Christian faith, including 2% Mormon.

Because 11% said they had no religious identity at all, and another 2% didn't answer, these results suggest that well more than 9 out of 10 Americans who identify with a religion are Christian in one way or the other.

The poll really breaks down quite well, taking it down to the point of separating those who are "cultural Christians" and those who take their faith seriously.

It's very informative. I'd recommend reading the whole article.


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