From today's front page Rapid City Journal:
Even on Christmas Eve, you can't seem to get away from this environmental nonsense. Is somebody intentionally trying to spoil my Christmas?
Nah, not going to let it work. Remember that Christ, the creator of this world that some would rather worship than Him, is the reason for the season.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Recycling is the Reason for the Season
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Bob, I read the entire article, and nowhere does it say that recycling is the reason for the season. Just what part of the recycling efforts referred to in the article is "environmental nonsense"? And how would recycling your holiday waste spoil your Christmas? As a Christian, I am very concerned with the stewardship of God's creation. It is a gift we are Biblically charged with caring for, not something to be abused. The article gave excellent information about what to do with the unfortunate amounts of waste generated by our crass Christmas consumerism. It's excellent information that Christians in particular should pay attention to.
No, the article didn't say anything about recycling being the reason for the season; it was all in the timing.
We should be good stewards of the planet God has left in our care. But we are not to be servants of this planet.
Our planet was created to be much more resilient than secularists believe, and it will do just fine without the paltry effects our recycling may have on waste management.
A great deal of the reason environmentalists can't even enjoy a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ (besides the fact that they hate anything to do with Western civilization) is that since they don't believe this planet was intelligently designed, they believe that the slightest misstep by man will destroy it.
While we should act responsibly, God put a little more forethought into the design of our world. He made it durable, so that it will serve the needs of his highest creation: humanity. He made it to serve us, not us to serve it.
It's that attitude I find offensive: that secularists, through their all-pervasive environmental worship, would have us worship the creation rather than the Creator himself (Romans 1:25).
Hope you had a merry, Christ-filled Christmas, Erin.
"all in the timing" -- Indeed, only sinister secular humanist environmentalist wackos out to destroy Christmas, intelligent design, and Western civilization would publish a reminder to recycle extra Christmas waste... at Christmastime.
Is your worldview really so fragile that you must devote so much time to fighting all these horrible monsters of your own imagining? Oh well. Forward, Rozinante!
My worldview is quite sound, Cory.
But my God has told me to be "salt and light" in a world full of lies. So I have a duty to point out those lies in the hopes that people whose worldview is formed by popular opinion have a better chance of finding the truth.
Got truth?
Got truth? You betcha, and I'll be happy to share. People urging recycling are much less of a danger to anyone's worldview and freedom (yours, mine, anyone's!) than secular globalist capitalism, the true demon we should both be fighting. Join me, Bob!
No thanks, I don't follow Al Gore's religion, or Marx's.
I'll stick with God's and with the Founders, who recognized that the power of unrestrained government was far more dangerous than private business. These truths have created tremendous freedom and prosperity, while the other has produced a lot of poverty and a lot of oppression.
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