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Monday, December 24, 2007

Conservative Christians and Suicide Bombers, Peas in a Pod

Here's an interesting Letter to the Editor of the Rapid City Journal, this Christmas Eve:

Timeless holiday wish written in America’s constitution

Stan Adelstein recently shared the following holiday sentiment from a neighbor: “Last night as I stood in my yard, I admired your Menorah and my Christmas lights. I thanked God that you and I live in a place where peace prevails.” His neighbor could have said, “May congress never establish a religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof...” which of course has already been said. Cast in stone, forged in iron.

In a world where religious extremism is on the rise — suicide bombers on the one hand, secret visits to the White House by conservative Christians on the other, indoctrination of children by all and sundry — America is faced with a difficult challenge to the first precept of a remarkable self-governing plan.

So this Christian wishes everyone he knows and ever hopes to meet a Merry Christmas.

And he would be pleased and honored to be wished the equivalent greeting by those who enjoy the unfettered celebration of their respective faiths in the greatest country in the world.

Rapid City

Notice how, as this "Christian" sings the praises of Stan Adelstein, he manages to somehow, accidentally I'm sure, equate pro-family Christians with suicide bombers.

"I wish 'everyone he knows and ever hopes to meet' a Merry Christmas, even as I smear and malign those of the same faith I claim to be a part of." Hmmm...


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