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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Romney's Support for Homosexual Agenda Incompatible With Pro-Family Support

CHICAGO, December 26, /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, longtime pro-family advocate and founder of the Republicans For Family Values website, is calling on pro-family leaders who have endorsed Mitt Romney to withdraw their support for his candidacy in light of his recent comments on NBC's "Meet the Press" supporting pro-homosexual "sexual orientation" state laws. (Full Article)


Patti said...

Support for gay families IS being pro-family.

Refusal to recognize or support same-sex unions, adoptions, gay rights is as anti-family as you can get.

Bob Ellis said...

Just like you can't have a legitimate $20 bill from the Bank of Mickey Mouse, you can't have a legitimate family without people who are related by blood or marriage...and you can't have a marriage without a man and a woman.

It's as simple as that. You can call a moose a cat all day long, but it'll never meow. You can call two homosexuals living together a "marriage," but it'll never be one. You need a man and a woman for that.

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