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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, December 27, 2007

When is a Day Not a Day?

Answers with Ken Ham

What's in a day? When does "day" not mean "day?"

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Anonymous said...

Dr. Ham is exactly right. It is only over the past hundred years or so that this notion of billions of years of earth history has come about. Up until the late nineteenth century everyone pretty much took for granted that the earth was about 10,000 years old. These extraordinay time frames were needed to promote the theories of Darwin, and the 'fact' of long periods of geologic time was accepted practically without question. The public has also been lead to believe that we are able to date rocks and fossils precisely with scientific techniques. This is not true. Fossils are dated by the strata they are found in and rocks are dated by the fossils found in the same strata!

There is no reason for Christians to doubt that creation was accomplished in literal days. The age of the earth is dated in thousands, not billions, of years and there is abundant scientific evidence to support this. A great site for information on these topics is one run by Dr. Ham,

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