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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, December 28, 2007

Family News in Focus 12-28-07


Pro-family groups in California are trying to fight off bill that mandates gay indoctrination in schools. Situation serves as warning to other states

It appears three out of four Americans support stem cell research, if it doesn’t require death of human embryos

Importance of family-life for infants is underscored in Harvard study on orphans and effects of timely adoption

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Patti said...

Tolerance is not indoctrination. Treating people with respect and accepting them as they are is not indoctrination.

Many gay teens suffer unbelievable harrassment and abuse in schools and yet no 'Christian' objects to this.

Bob Ellis said...

Tolerance is also not acceptance, or forcing the acceptance through law, of practices that are immoral and unhealthy.

I am on record opposing the harassment of any individual, including homosexuals. But the proper opposite of non-harassment is not approval of a practice that is dangerous and immoral. That is what Christians object to.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Parents should be allowed to decide when their children are ready to learn about sexual matters of any kind -- not schools or other government agencies and/or their representatives.

One does not have to be supportive or "tolerant" of the gay life-style to feel it is inappropriate to harass and abuse "people".

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