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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Yet Another Scientist Not on the Global Warming Train

From the International Herald Tribune:

DENVER: The United States' leading hurricane forecaster said Friday that global ocean currents, not human-produced carbon dioxide, are responsible for global warming, and the Earth may begin to cool on its own in five to 10 years.

"They're blaming it all on humans, which is crazy," he said. "We're not the cause of it."

On Friday, Gray complained that politics and research into global warming have created "almost an industry" that has unfairly frightened the public and overwhelmed dissenting voices.

He said research arguing that humans are causing global warming is "mush" based on unreliable computer models that cannot possibly take into account the hundreds of factors that influence the weather.

Gray said little-understood ocean currents are behind a decades-long warming cycle and disputed assertions that greenhouse gases could raise global temperatures as much as some scientists predict.

That "settled science" of Al Gores doesn't look very settled. The hundreds or perhaps thousands of scientists who disagree about global warming presents just a tiny problem for the assertion of global arming apostles that everyone agrees on it.


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