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Monday, April 23, 2007

Rove, Crow and David: And Now, The Rest of the Story

As I suspected might be the case, another side of the story regarding the incident with Karl Rove, Sheryl Crow and Laurie David is now coming out.

This is just an excerpt from National Review Online:

In the eyewitness' version, again, David and Crow are a bit more aggressive than their own story suggests. The eyewitness says David told Rove, You need to bring in new people to tell you the truth. Rove mentioned Dr. John Marburger, the White House science advisor. At that point, according to the eyewitness, Crow began poking Rove's chest with her finger, demanding to know what corporations were underwriting Marburger's work. Rove said Marburger had been in academia most of his career.

Whether you like Rove or not, any senior White House official of any administration is almost certain to act more responsibly than Rove was portrayed in Crow's account.

And knowing the typically petulant behavior of liberals when dealing with grownups, I was pretty sure the "tantrum" was on the opposite end of Crow's claim.


Anonymous said...

Lance Armstrong, what wuz he thinkin'?

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