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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, April 27, 2007

"Comfort and Encouragement to Al-Qaeda"

Somebody gets it (I just wish more in Congress did).


The US Congress' vote to push for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq was wrong and will bring comfort to Al-Qaeda insurgents, Australian Prime Minister John Howard said Friday.

The Democrat-dominated US Senate on Thursday passed legislation which set a timeline for the recall of US troops from Iraq, where the US has been engaged in a bloody war since March 2003.

US President George W Bush has vowed to veto the law.

"I think it is wrong, and I don't think it is doing anything other than giving great comfort and encouragement to Al-Qaeda and the insurgency in Iraq," Howard said.

"They are looking at all this, they read newspapers, they see it on television and they say, 'The American domestic resolve is weakening, therefore we should maintain our resolve.'

Democrats...on the verge of manufacturing the new "Vietnam" that they've wanted and worked so hard for since 2003.


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