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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Indoctrinating Children About Homosexuality

HT to the World Magazine blog regarding these videos showing kids at a Quaker school and a school in New York being taught to accept homosexuality as normal, natural and healthy.

In a group setting, one lady who I assume is a teacher, asks, "As a school are we saying that kids have to support this? I guess that's what it sounds like to me that we're saying. If a child comes from a background that says homosexuality is not correct, are we telling that child that they're supposed to, that this is what you're supposed to do?"

Another lady in that group replies, "I don't know if this works for you, but I think that we are asking kids to believe that this is right. Not as a matter of moral principle but as a matter of...we're educating them and this is part of what we consider to be a healthy education."

The video then shows, for first and second grade classrooms, a teacher showing kids a book entitled "Asha's Mums." In the story, the teacher sends home a permission slip for a field trip. It comes back signed by two women. When the teacher asks which of the signatures belongs to the child's mother, the girl replies, "My brother and I have two mums." The teachers tells little Asha that she must have her actual mother sign the form or she can't go on the trip. The teacher reading the book then asks the children in her class, "Now if you were Asha, how do you think you would feel?" One of the students surmises that the teacher must not have been "very open minded" about having two mums and being a lesbian. When the teacher asks the little boy to clarify what he meant by "open minded" he draws the analogy of being open to trying a new vegetable.

The video also shows children singing "This Little Light of Mine," which usually means the light of Christ's truth, but apparently in this case they are celebrating the "shining light" of a homosexual who has come out of the closet.

A homosexual teacher also talks to the kids about how revealing his homosexuality helps him to be a better teacher, etc.

The second video starts with an effeminent male teacher introducing a little girl who celebrated "Mother's Day" with two mothers. The little girl says that when she invited a little boy to come over to her house, but the boys' parents wouldn't let him because of the two lesbians living in her house. "One night I called their house and the mother told me their version of the Bible."

Every Bible I've ever seen says homosexuality is wrong, so I'm not sure of the name of the Bible version these lesbians are reading.

The teacher then has the children role play as if they were judges deciding whether homosexuals should be able to "marry." Legal wisdom such as "I don't see why they shouldn't" soon follows, rivaling what is sometimes seen from the real bench these days. These children probably also don't see why they shouldn't play in the street, eat what they want and stay up all night, either. But that's why the grown-ups have traditionally been in charge.

The video ends with some really out-dated and old-fashioned statements from the Bible about how God doesn't approve of homosexuality. But then, since God is eternally ancient and unchanging, maybe He knows what He's talking about.

Your tax dollars at work.

UPDATE: has this information about the origin/background of the video clips:

Amazingly, the video, while newly posted on the internet, is a clip from a 1996 pro-homosexual film called "It's elementary". While the first segment of the YouTube clip of the film covers Cambridge Friends School (CFS) in Massachusetts, a second clip covers New York City Public School 87 where similar propagandising occurs.


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