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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Brownback Backtracks on Immigration

From the Washington Times, Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS),2008 presidential candidate, says he no longer supports the immigration bill he helped pass.

"What we got through was what we could get through the Senate and move the process forward," Mr. Brownback said in explaining his vote. "There are things in it that I don't think are good within that."

He said the bill would lead to too much "chain migration," allowing immigrants to sponsor family members to join them in the United States. Mr. Brownback said he supports sponsorship of spouses and children, but that thinks siblings should be excluded.

I'm not sure what that bit about "spouses and children" but not "siblings" means, but it sounds like he's at least moving toward a more sensible position on illegal immigration.

The area of illegal immigration has been my only reservation about supporting Brownback's presidential campaign. Other than that, I think he's a fine candidate and will likely be the one I'll get behind.

I was highly impressed by his unapologetic position on abortion and other matters when I heard him speak at the Capitol Rally in Pierre in October 2006. He's definitely not a liberal Republican like Rudy and not a "finger in the wind" type like McCain.


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