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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Two-Faced Tenet

Victor Davis Hanson's National Review Online piece today compares some of the recent selective memory loss/revisionism of Clinton-appointed former CIA Director George Tenet to Tenet's 2002 congressional testimony:

Tenet said he would expect U.S. troops “will find caches of weapons of mass destruction, absolutely,” were they to invade the country.

If the United States decides not to go to war with Iraq and instead waits on inspectors, Hussein will continue developing weapons of mass destruction, Tenet said. “He will continue to strengthen himself over time,” he said.

Tenet described Abu Musab a “senior al Qaeda associate.” Zarqawi sought medical care in Baghdad, has met with Osama bin Laden, has been financially supported by al Qaeda and has taken “sustenance” from Iraq.

There are some people--like President Bush--who will stick with what they know is right, regardless of criticism. Then there are others, perhaps like Tenet, who head for the tall grass when criticized because they care more about what petty people think than about the truth.


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