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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Democrats Must Pretend to be Theocrats to Get Elected

From CBN News:

Delaware senator and 2008 presidential candidate Joseph Biden says Democrats must convince voters that his party is comfortable with religion.

How will they convince Americans they're comfortable with something they clearly loath? I don't know.
Biden says religion is treated like a "third rail" in the Democratic party.

More like a dirty sock, something you hide if it's laying around when someone might see it.
He says Democrats don't have to demonstrate deep religious faith, but must understand religion's role in the America's life.

I don't think they could demonstrate that if they had to, and I doubt they could even acknowledge religion's role in the life of Americans if they did understand it. To do so would undermine and unravel their contention that America was a secularist enclave until theocrat Bush came along.

Good luck, Joe.


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