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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, April 22, 2007

America Founded to Spread the Gospel

WorldNetDaily carries a story today about how after the revisionism at historic Jamestown, Virginia was exposed, tour guides are once again acknowledging our Christian heritage, even the fact that the reason this colony was established was to spread the Gospel:

"The first motivation mentioned in the 1606 charter is to spread the Christian religion. The statement below is made by or on behalf of King James to the major investors in the Virginia Company," the memo said.

Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of Almightie God, hereafter tende to the glorie of His Divine Maiestie to suche people as yet live in darkeness and miserable ignorance of the true knoweledge and worshippe of God and may in tyme bring the infidels and salvages living in those parts to humane civilitie and to a setled and quiet governmente…

The memo said it obtained the documentation from two primary sources, the original charter granted by King James to the Virginia Company on April 10, 1606, and the London Council of the Virginia Company's "Instructions given by way of Advice," dated between Nov. 20 and Dec. 19, 1606.


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