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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bush Showed Leadership on Kyoto

President Bush took a lot of heat for rejecting the feel-good/do-nothing global warming Kyoto Treaty.

Yet now this from the National Center for Policy Analysis:

China is soon estimated to surpass the U.S. as the leading emitter of greenhouse gases. Yet earlier this month the Chinese government reaffirmed that while they would participate in negotiations to shape a post-Kyoto treaty limiting greenhouse gas emissions, they would not commit to binding reductions in CO2.

And it isn't just us and the Commies who have decided not to play Al Gore's little game.
And now Canada's Prime Minister has apparently come to the same conclusion. Canada's Environment Minister John Baird recently said Kyoto compliance would cost Canada 275,000 jobs and push its economy into recession. Instead of Kyoto, Canada will join the U.S.-led Asian-Pacific Partnership -- whose members also include Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea. The so-called AP6 was launched in mid-2005 to make voluntary cuts in greenhouse gases.

Leadership isn't looking to see what everyone else is doing and getting on board with that. Leadership is taking a candid look at something, making a decision and sticking to it. It's good that the grown-ups are in charge in the White House and kept us away from this foolish Kyoto Treaty.


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