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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An Unpopular Truth

We adults are sometimes hard on the upcoming generation of kids, but there are some real heroes out there who aren't afraid to speak up for the truth. Sometimes they encounter resistance for speaking the truth in a politically-correct "do whatever feels good" culture.

From WorldNetDaily:

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of students in several Sacramento area school districts are being penalized by school officials for objecting to the homosexual advocacy "Day of Silence," according to a law firm handling many complaints.

"We are looking at our options. If our affiliate attorneys come forward and help us with these … there might be dozens of lawsuits. I believe we have enough good attorneys both in skill and as a matter of conscience to step up to the plate," Kevin Snider, the chief counsel for the Pacific Justice Institute told WND.

If I remember correctly, a record number (something like 7,000) of students participated nationwide in this the third year of the Day of Truth.

I spoke with South Dakota's Alliance Defense Fund allied attorney last night and fortunately he said no problems had been reported from South Dakota students who participated in the Day of Truth last week. Our schools usually are a cut above the rest, anyway, so let's hope it remains that way.


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