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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, April 23, 2007

Never My Fault

The ever-liberal New York Times sees an increasing infant mortality rate in Mississippi as the fault of those evil rich racist Republican welfare-cutters.

This bit was included in the report, but of course the portion I bold-typed couldn't possibly have anything to do with the health problems:

The setbacks have raised questions about the impact of cuts in welfare and Medicaid and of poor access to doctors, and, many doctors say, the growing epidemics of obesity, diabetes and hypertension among potential mothers, some of whom tip the scales here at 300 to 400 pounds.

This kind of lifestyle couldn't possibly have anything to do with health problems, either:
Ms. Allen greeted visitors with breakfast in hand: a bottle of Mountain Dew and a bag of chips.

TimesWatch, however, is able to make the stunningly brilliant deduction:
Personal responsibility took a back seat in Eckholm's story, with this nugget buried deep inside: "Visits with pregnant women and mothers in several Delta towns suggest that many poverty-related factors -- including public policies, personal behaviors and health conditions -- may contribute to infant deaths."

Heaven-forbid we make any value judgments about someones behavior, though! Let's just throw more money at more programs in the hopes that if we bury people in enough free cash, their lives will be better.

We make choices that put our own health at risk--and those of our children--yet it's the fault of budget cutters for not making our lives perfect without any effort on our part.

I really shouldn't be surprised after all these years, but it never ceases to amaze me how liberals can look at a human being, created in the image of God with a free will and a reasoning brain, and see that human being like a fish flopping around helplessly on the dry ground of inadequate government spending.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is quite obviously the infant's fault for being born in Mississippi.

The fault surely rests with the Democrats (including Bill Clinton).

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