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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good Public Officials Know a Good Candidate When They See One

As evidenced by the letters to the editor in today's Rapid City Journal, there is a LOT of support for Independent District 32 senate candidate Elli Schwiesow.

In addition to several letters from everyday citizens, there were three from current or previous public officials.

This one is from former legislator Alan Aker:

Cooperation, creativity are good strengths

In last year’s mayoral election, Stan Adelstein supported and funded a last-minute flyer describing Alderman Sam Kooiker as a right wing nut. If you oppose last-minute negative campaigning or name-calling, you can’t support Adelstein. Even if you’re ok with negative campaigning and name-calling, you still can’t support Adelstein, on the grounds that the anti-Kooiker flyer was a lie. Sam has never used his position to advance a divisive social or partisan idea, and was endorsed by thoughtful people from across the political spectrum.

So, let’s say you support Adelstein in spite of the last minute negative campaigning, the name-calling, and the lying. You still can’t support him, on the grounds of legislative effectiveness. You see, the anti-Kooiker flyer wasn’t the first instance of Adelstein’s involvement in that kind of campaigning. He’s done it over several years, locally and across the state, often against his own legislative colleagues. The cumulative effect is that Adelstein never has had, and never will have, any effectiveness as a legislator.

Elli Schwiesow will support the pro-business and low-tax philosophies that are making our state an island of growth and stability in these troubled times. She’s a rare combination: both cooperative and creative.


And this one from former legislator Elizabeth Kraus Munro
Glad to be part of the candidate’s campaign

I was pleased to be included, as a past state legislator, in the newspaper flyer and billboard on Mount Rushmore Road in support of Elli Schwiesow’s campaign for the state Senate in District 32. A number of current state legislators who are running for re-election also volunteered to endorse Elli’s candidacy, but, as is typical of Elli, she declined out of concern for their campaigns. She acknowledged that they have their own races to win. We past state legislators know what is needed to effectively serve our state in the legislature, and we agree that Elli will excel.

Rapid City

Or this one from Pennington County Commissioner Gal Holbrook

District 32 race is divided by many factors

How can anyone criticize Elli Schwiesow (a common sense conservative) for choosing to run as an Independent in District 32 Senate race?

In her last campaign she won the Republican primary. To the victor belong the spoils but not in District 32. Her primary opponent, incensed at his loss, promptly threatened to run as an Independent or, better yet, as a Democrat if the Democratic candidate would just step aside. In the end, he just backed the Democrat with endorsements and finances and Elli came up a few votes short in the general election.

This time the political playing field is level. There are three candidates in the race. Those two men who together opposed Elli now oppose each other and Elli. Any conservative voter Republican or Democrat should give their vote to Elli. Any liberal voter has a choice between those two grown men.

Rapid City

These are all excellent public servants. And they apparently know another good one when they see one.


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